The Permutation

A ring for math web pages

      This ring is for math related web pages only. Your web page must have a math theme in order to join. An example of a page that belongs would be a page about "Why I like Matrix Algebra". An example of a page that does not belong is a web page that is owned by math teacher but doesn't really have anything to do with math. For a list of examples that do belong go to The Permutation Index.
      Well, if you don't know what a ring is, it is basically a group of homepages all linked together. If you click on the "Next" button, you will be transported from one ringmember's page, to the next page in the ring. There are also buttons like back, skip and random. To join the ring, you simply add the html code from down the bottom of this page to your homepage, and fill in the details on the form down below. NOTE: The URL that you add below MUST be the URL to the PAGE that you paste the code on. You can't have it to your main page, if the code is on a different page.
      When you fill in the form below, you are added to what is called the queue. When you are added to the queue, your site will be given a unique ID number. Make sure that where ever you see ____site_id_here____ in the code that you paste on your homepage, that you delete it and fill in your site ID.

If you have any questions or comments you can e-mail me, The Ringmaster

Submit site to The Permutation
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

There are two ways of having your connection to the ring shown.
This way...

The Permutation
This site is a member of
The Permutation and
is owned by Your name here.

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The Permutation made possible by
the Webring and New Dream Network.
The Permutation