Day One |
Normalcy, Novelty and Nostalgia: The New Era and Traditional Values
Divine, pages 760763, 764-768, 773-774, and 776-777
What impact did the consumer boom of the 1920s have on American culture?
In what ways did Americans see this "New Era" as threatening traditional
assembly line, Model T, Henry Ford, mass production, Second Industrial
Revolution appliances, radio, film, corporation, marketing/advertising,
chain store, standardization, skyscraper, 19th Amendment, Equal Rights
Amendment, flapper, Prohibition, Al Capone, Babe Ruth, Charles Lindbergh |
Day Two |
The Rural Counterattack: Nativism and Fundamentalism
Divine, pages 771-777
What factors led to the rise of nativism and reemergence of the KKK
during the 1920s? In what ways did nostalgic Americans of the 1920s
seek to preserve traditional values?
nativism, Red Scare, Bolshevik Revolution, Palmer Raids, Sacco-Vanzetti
case, 18th Amendment/Prohibition, speakeasy, bootlegger, Al
Capone, Ku Klux Klan, literacy test of 1917, National Origins Quota Act
of 1924, IQ tests, fundamentalism, Scopes trial, Clarence Darrow, William
Jennings Bryan, evolution, creationism |
Day Three |
The Great Migration and the Harlem Renaissance
Divine, pages 768-771, and 778-779
What factors fostered the cultural flowering among African-Americans
in the Harlem of the 1920s? To what extent was
this an extension of the New Era? To what extent
was it a reaction against it?
Harlem Renaissance, jazz, Louis Armstrong, W.E.B. DuBois, Claude McKay,
Countee, Cullen, Langston Hughes, Marcus Garvey, black nationalism,
United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), Liberia |
Day Four |
Roaring 20s and Great Crash: Harding, Coolidge and the Causes of
the Depression
Divine, pages 777, 780-784, 788-790, 763-764
What were the main characteristics of Republican economic policy of
the 1920s? In what sense did they represent a departure from progressive
era reforms? What were the social and economic causes of the Great Depression?
Warren Harding, Teapot Dome Scandal, Calvin Coolidge, "return to normalcy",
Fordney-McCumber tariff, Hawley-Smoot tariff, Al Smith, bull market, stock
market crash, Great Depression, speculation, margin, investor,
broker, overproduction underconsumption, durable good,
yellow dog contract, open shop, disposable income |
Day Five |
The Limits of Rugged Individualism: Herbert Hoover
and the Great Depression
Divine, pages 790-792
Supplement: Hoover, "Rugged Individualism"
What strategies did Herbert Hoover use to combat the Great Depression?
In what sense was his response conservative? In
what sense was his response progressive?
Great Depression, Dust Bowl, Herbert Hoover, voluntarism, Federal Farm
Board, public works projects, Hoover Dam, Reconstruction Finance
Corp. (RFC), Bonus Army, Rugged Individualism |
Day Six |
The New Deal and the Triumph of Federal Activism
Divine, pages 792-799, 800-802 and chart on 810-811
Supplement: Roosevelt, "Commonwealth Club Speech"
Write out answer to homework question 1
What strategies did FDRís New Deal use to combat the Great Depression?
In what ways did the New Deal alter the relationship between the government
and business? Government and labor? Government and individuals? Government
and the national economy?
bank failure, Franklin Roosevelt, fireside chat, Tennessee Valley Authority
(TVA), National Recovery Administration (NRA), Agricultural Adjustment
Administration (AAA), subsidy, Farm Security Administration
(FSA), Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), work relief, Public
Works Administration (PWA), Works Progress Administration (WPA),
Social Security Administration (SSA), social security, welfare
(aid to dependent children), unemployment insurance, Wagner Act (National
Labor Relations Act), collective bargaining, Fair Labor Standards
Act (FLSA), minimum wage, maximum hour, Rural Electrification
Administration (REA), Glass-Steagall Act, Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),
Fair Housing Administration (FHA), Keynsianism
Homework Questions:
1. Select ONE act or agency from the list above. Discuss
what it did, what problem it sought to address, what strategy
it used to address the problem, and what it might indicate
about how FDR saw the free market economy? |
Day Seven |
The New Deal in Historical Perspective: The Transformation of Liberalism
Divine, pages 799-800, 802-807, 812-814 and review chart 810-811
How did the views and policies of those who advocated the common man
change from the age of Jefferson and Jackson to the New Deal? How
did the governmentís relationship to business and the
common man change between the Reconstruction Era and the 1930s?
Father Charles Coughlin, Huey Long, Francis Townsend, Committee on
Industrial Organizations (CIO), General Motors sit down strike, Indian
Reorganization Act, Eleanor Roosevelt, court packing plan, West Coast Hotel
v. Parish, recession of 1937, deficit spending, Keynsianism |